
O'Hara-Rudy CiPA v1.0 (2017)
O'Hara-Rudy CiPA v1.0 (2017)
A model for pacemaking in substantia nigra neurons (A simple model based on a spherical geometry)
A model for pacemaking in substantia nigra neurons (A simple model based on a spherical geometry)
A single compartment model of pacemaking in dissasociated Substantia nigra neurons with hyperbolic tetrahedral geometry
A single compartment model of pacemaking in dissasociated Substantia nigra neurons with hyperbolic tetrahedral geometry
A single compartment model of pacemaking in dissasociated Substantia nigra neurons with hyperbolic tetrahedral geometry
A single compartment model of pacemaking in dissasociated Substantia nigra neurons with hyperbolic tetrahedral geometry
Adrian, Peachey, 1973
Reconstruction of the action potential of frog sartorius muscle
Albrecht, Colegrove, Friel, 2002
Differential Regulation of ER Ca2+ Uptake and Release Rates Accounts for Multiple Modes of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ Release
Albrecht, Colegrove, Hongpaisan, Pivovarova, Andrews, Friel, 2001
Multiple Modes of Calcium-induced Calcium Release in Sympathetic Neurons I: Attenuation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ Accumulation at Low [Ca2+]i during Weak Depolarisation
Aslanidi, Boyett, Dobrzynski, Li, Zhang, 2009
Mechanisms of transition from normal to reentrant electrical activity in a model of rabbit atrial tissue: interaction of tissue heterogeneity and anisotropy
Aslanidi, Boyett, Morgan, Li, Aslanidi, 2016
Morgan atrial fibroblast 2016.cellml
Aslanidi, Stewart, Boyett, Zhang, 2009
Optimal velocity and safety of discontinuous conduction through the heterogeneous Purkinje-ventricular junction
Aslanidi, Stewart, Boyett, Zhang, 2009
Optimal velocity and safety of discontinuous conduction through the heterogeneous Purkinje-ventricular junction
Beeler, Reuter, 1977
Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres, with modifications to demonstrate uncertainty.
Beeler, Reuter, 1977
Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres
Beeler, Reuter, 1977
Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Epicardial Cell Model)
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Endocardial Cell Model)
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Epicardial Cell Model)
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Endocardial Cell Model)
Benson, Aslanidi, Zhang, Holden, 2008
The canine virtual ventricular wall: a platform for dissecting pharmacological effects on propagation and arrhythmogenesis (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Bernus, Wilders, Zemlin, Verschelde, Panfilov, 2002
A computationally efficient electrophysiological model of human ventricular cells
Bertram, Arnot, Zamponi, 2002
Role for G protein G-beta-gamma isoform specificity in synaptic signal processing (Pre-Synaptic Cell)
Bertram, Arnot, Zamponi, 2002
Role for G protein G-beta-gamma isoform specificity in synaptic signal processing (Post-Synaptic Cell)
Bertram, Pedersen, Luciani, Sherman, 2006
A simplified model for mitochondrial ATP production
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (fast bursting model)
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (medium bursting model)
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (slow bursting model)
Bertram, Rhoads, Cimbora, 2008
A phantom bursting mechanism for episodic bursting: original model
Bertram, Rhoads, Cimbora, 2008
A phantom bursting mechanism for episodic bursting: modified to include channel noise in the leak current
Bertram, Sherman, 2004
A Calcium-based Phantom Bursting Model for Pancreatic Islets
Bertram, Smolen, Sherman, Mears, Atwater, Martin, Soria, 1995
A role for calcium release-activated current (CRAC) in cholinergic modulation of electrical activity in pancreatic beta-cells
Bondarenko, Szigeti, Bett, Kim, Rasmusson, 2004
Computer model of action potential of mouse ventricular myocytes (Apical Cell Description)
Bondarenko, Szigeti, Bett, Kim, Rasmusson, 2004
Computer model of action potential of mouse ventricular myocytes (Septal Cell Description)
Boyett, Zhang, Garny, Holden, 2001
Control of the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node by intracellular Ca2+. Experiments and modelling
Bueno, 2007
Mathematical modeling and spectral simulation of genetic diseases in the human heart
Butera, Rinzel, Smith, 1999
Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Botzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons: model 1 (which does not include a slow potassium current)
Butera, Rinzel, Smith, 1999
Models of Respiratory Rhythm Generation in the Pre-Botzinger Complex. I. Bursting Pacemaker Neurons: model 2 (which includes a slow potassium current)
C. Trovato, E. Passini, N. Nagy, et al. (2019),A computational human cardiac Purkinje electrophysiological model (sedml)
C. Trovato, E. Passini, N. Nagy, et al. (2019),A computational human cardiac Purkinje electrophysiological model (sedml)
Chang, Fujita, 1999
A kinetic model of the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter
Chang, Fujita, 1999
A kinetic model of the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter
Chang, Fujita, 1999
A numerical model of the renal distal tubule
Chang, Fujita, 2001
Chang, Fujita, 2001
Na-H exchanger
Chang, Fujita, 2001
Anion exchanger
Chay, 1997
Effects of extracellular calcium on electrical bursting and intracellular and luminal calcium oscillations in insulin secreting pancreatic beta-cells
Chay, Lee, Fan, 1995
Appearance of Phase-locked Wenchbach-like Rhythms, Devil's Staircase and Universality in Intracellular Calcium Spikes in Non-excitable Cell Models
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (Wild Type Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKrN629D Mutant Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKr629D Mutant Midmyocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKrR56Q Mutant Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKrR56Q Mutant Midmyocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKrT474I Mutant Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (IKrT474I Mutant Midmyocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (INaKPQ Mutant Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2001
Cellular consequences of HERG mutations in the long QT syndrome: precursors to sudden cardiac death (Wild Type Midmyocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (Wild Type Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (INa1795insD Mutant Endocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (INa1795insD Mutant Epicardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (INa1795insD Mutant Midmyocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (Wild Type Endocardial Cell)
Clancy, Rudy, 2002
Na Channel Mutation That Causes Both Brugada Syndrome and Long-QT Syndrome Phenotypes: A Simulation Study of Mechanism (Wild Type Midmyocardial Cell)
Colegrove, Albrecht, Friel, 2000
Quantitive Analysis of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake and Release Pathways in Sympathetic Neurons Reconstruction of the Recovery after Depolarisation-evoked [Ca2+] Elevations
Corrias, Buist, 2008
Quantitative cellular description of gastric slow wave activity
Cortassa, Aon, Marban, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2003
An Integrated Model of Cardiac Mitrochondrial Energy Metabolism and Calcium Dynamics
Courtemanche, Ramirez, Nattel, 1998
Ionic mechanisms underlying human atrial action potential properties: insights from a mathematical model
Cui, Kaandorp, Lloyd, 2008
Model does not include the zinc-buffering effects of TPEN
Cui, Kaandorp, Lloyd, 2008
Model includes the zinc-buffering effects of TPEN
Davies, Mistry, Hussein, Pollard, Valentin, Swinton, Abi-Gerges, 2012
An in silico canine cardiac midmyocardial action potential duration model as a tool for early drug safety assessment
De Vries, Sherman, 2000
Channel Sharing in Pancreatic Beta-Cells Revisited: Enhancement of Emergent Bursting by Noise
De Vries, Sherman, 2001
From Spikers to Bursters Via Coupling: Help from Heterogeneity
De Young, Keizer, 1992
A single-pool inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-receptor-based model for agonist-stimulated oscillations in Ca 2+ concentration
Decker, Heijman, Silva, Hund, Rudy, 2009
Properties and ionic mechanisms of action potential adaptation, restitution, and accommodation in canine epicardium
Demir, Clark, Giles, 1999
Parasympathetic modulation of sinoatrial node pacemaker activity in rabbit heart: a unifying model
Demir, Clark, Giles, Murphey, 1994
A Mathematical Model of a Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Cell
DiFrancesco, Noble, 1985
A Model of Cardiac Electrical Activity Incorporating Ionic Pumps and Concentration Changes
Dokos, Celler, Lovell, 1996
Ion currents underlying sinoatrial node pacemaker activity: a new single cell mathematical model
Drouhard, Roberge, 1987
Revised formulation of the Hodgkin-Huxley representation of the sodium current in cardiac cells
Dumaine, Towbin, Brugada, Vatta, Nesterenko, Nesterenko, Brugada, Brugada, Antzelevitch, 1999
Ionic mechanisms responsible for the electrocardiographic phenotype of the Brugada Syndrome are temperature dependent
Earm, Noble, 1990
A Model of the Single Atrial Cell: Relation between Calcium Current and Calcium Release
Ebihara, Johnson, 1980
Fast sodium current in cardiac muscle: A quantitative description
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Endocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Endocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Epicardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Epicardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Endresen, 1996
Chaos in Weakly-coupled Pacemaker Cells
Espinosa, 1998
L'Echange Na+/Ca2+ dans l'Hypertrophie Ventriculaire D'Altitude chez le Rat: Etude Electrophysiologique et Utilisation du Modele "Oxsoft Heart": normal heart cell model
Espinosa, 1998
L'Echange Na+/Ca2+ dans l'Hypertrophie Ventriculaire D'Altitude chez le Rat: Etude Electrophysiologique et Utilisation du Modele "Oxsoft Heart": hypertrophic heart cell model
Fabbri, Fantini, Wilders, Severi,
Computational analysis of the human sinus node action potential: model development and effects of mutations.
Faber, Rudy, 2000
Action potential and contractility changes in [Na(+)](i) overloaded cardiac myocytes: a simulation study (Original model in steady state)
Faber, Rudy, 2000
Action potential and contractility changes in [Na(+)](i) overloaded cardiac myocytes: a simulation study (Updated model with an added Ito current and and updated Irel current)
Fall, Keizer, 2001
Mitochondrial Modulation of Intracellular Ca2+ Signalling
Favile, Pullan, Sanders, Koh, Lloyd, Smith, 2009
Biophysically based mathematical modeling of interstitial cells of Cajal slow wave activity generated from a discrete unitary potential basis
Faville, Pullan, Sanders, Smith, 2008
A Biophysically Based Mathematical Model of Unitary Potential Activity in Interstitial Cells of Cajal
Fenton, Karma, 1998
Vortex dynamics in three-dimensional continuous myocardium with fiber rotation: Filament instability and fibrillation (BR Model)
Fenton, Karma, 1998
Vortex dynamics in three-dimensional continuous myocardium with fiber rotation: Filament instability and fibrillation (GP Model)
Fenton, Karma, 1998
Vortex dynamics in three-dimensional continuous myocardium with fiber rotation: Filament instability and fibrillation (MBR Model)
Fenton, Karma, 1998
Vortex dynamics in three-dimensional continuous myocardium with fiber rotation: Filament instability and fibrillation (MLR_1 Model)
Fink, Noble, Virag, Varro, Giles, 2008
Contributions of HERG K+ current to repolarization of the human ventricular action potential
Fohlmeister, Miller, 1997
Impulse Encoding Mechanisms of Ganglion Cells in the Tiger Salamander Retina
Fox, McHarg, Gilmour, 2002
Ionic mechanism of electrical alternans
Fridlyand, Tamarina, Philipson, 2003
Modeling of Ca2+ flux in pancreatic beta-cells: role of the plasma membrane and intracellular stores
Friel, 1995
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model A)
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model B)
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model C)
Garny, Kohl, Hunter, Boyett, Noble, 2003
One-dimensional Rabbit Sinoatrial Node Models: Benefits and Limitations
Goforth, Bertram, Khan, Zhang, Sherman, Satin, 2002
Calcium-activated K+ Channels of Mouse Beta Cells are Controlled by Both Store and Cytoplasmic Ca2+: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Grandi, Pasqualini, Bers, 2009
A novel computational model of the human ventricular action potential and Ca transient
Greenstein, Wu, Po, Tomaselli, Winslow, 2000
Role of the Calcium-Independent Transient Outward Current Ito1 in Shaping Action Potential Morphology and Duration
Hilgemann, Noble, 1987
Excitation-contraction coupling and extracellular calcium transients in rabbit atrium: reconstruction of basic cellular mechanisms
Hinch, Greenstein, Tanskanen, Xu, Winslow, 2004
A Simplified Local Control Model of Calcium-Induced Calcium Release in Cardiac Ventricular Myocytes
Hodgkin, Huxley, 1952
A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve (Original Model + Stimulus)
Hodgkin, Huxley, 1952
A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve (Original Model)
Hund, Rudy, 2004
Rate dependence and regulation of action potential and calcium transient in a canine cardiac ventricular cell model (Basic Model)
Hund, Rudy, 2004
Rate dependence and regulation of action potential and calcium transient in a canine cardiac ventricular cell model (Tissue Model)
Hunter, McCulloch, ter Keurs, 1998
Modelling the mechanical properties of cardiac muscle
Hunter, McNaughton, Noble, 1975
Analytical models of propagation in excitable cells
Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells (Atrio-Nodal Cell)
Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells (Nodal-His Cell)
Inada, Hancox, Zhang, Boyett, 2009
One-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node including atrio-nodal, nodal, and nodal-his cells (Nodal Cell)
Iribe, Kohl, Noble, 2006
Modulatory effect of calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ handling and interval-force relations: a modelling study.
Iyer, Hajjar, Armoundas, 2007
Mechanisms of Abnormal Calcium Homeostasis in Mutations Responsible for Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
Iyer, Mazhari, Winslow, 2004
A computational model of the human left-ventricular epicardial myocyte
Jafri, Rice, Winslow, 1998
Cardiac Ca2+ Dynamics: The Roles of Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Load
Jafri, Rice, Winslow, 1998
Cardiac Ca2+ Dynamics: The Roles of Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Load (Extended Model)
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in milliseconds, calcium variables and parameters are normalised to total TnC concentration.
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in seconds, calcium variables and parameters are expressed in absolute values.
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in seconds, calcium variables and parameters are normalised to total TnC concentration.
Keizer, Levine, 1996
Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Ca2+-Induced Ca2+ Release-Dependent Ca2+ Oscillations
Kneller, Ramirez, Chartier, Courtemanche, Nattel, 2002
Time-dependent transients in an ionically based mathematical model of the canine atrial action potential
Koivumäki, Korhonen, Tavi 2011 Atrial AP model
Koivumäki, Korhonen, Tavi 2011 Atrial AP model
Kurata, Hisatome, Imanishi, Shibamoto, 2002
Dynamical description of sinoatrial node pacemaking: improved mathematical model for primary pacemaker cell
Land, Niederer, Aronsen, Espe, Zhang, Louch, Sjaastad, Sejersted, Smith, 2012
An analysis of deformation-dependent electromechanical coupling in the mouse heart
Landesberg, Sideman, 1994
Mechanical regulation of cardiac muscle by coupling calcium kinetics with cross-bridge cycling: a dynamic model
LeBeau, Robson, McKinnon, Donald, Sneyd, 1997
Generation of Action Potentials in a Mathematical Model of Corticotrophs
Li, Bertram, Rinzel, 1996
Modeling N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced bursting in dopamine neurons (simple model based on the equations in the published paper)
Li, Bertram, Rinzel, 1996
Modeling N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced bursting in dopamine neurons (complex model based on the equations in the published paper)
Li, Bertram, Rinzel, 1996
Modeling N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced bursting in dopamine neurons (simple model based on the equations in the original code)
Li, Rinzel, 1994
Equations for InsP3 Receptor-mediated [Ca2+]i Oscillations Derived from a Detailed Kinetic Model: A Hodgkin-Huxley Like Formalism
Lindblad, Murphey, Clark, Giles, 1996
A Model of the Action Potential and Underlying Membrane Currents in a Rabbit Atrial Cell
Livshitz, Rudy, 2007
Regulation of Ca2+ and electrical alternans in cardiac myocytes: role of CAMKII and repolarizing currents
Lovell, Cloherty, Celler, Dokos, 2004
A gradient model of cardiac pacemaker myocytes
Luo, Rudy, 1991
A Model of the Ventricular Cardiac Action Potential. Depolarization, repolarization and their interaction
Luo, Rudy, 1994
A Dynamic Model of the Cardiac Ventricular Action Potential I. Simulations of Ionic Currents and Concentration Changes
Luo, Rudy, 1994
A Dynamic Model of the Cardiac Ventricular Action Potential I. Simulations of Ionic Currents and Concentration Changes
Magnus, Keizer, 1997
Minimal Model of beta-cell mitochondrial Ca2+ handling
Magnus, Keizer, 1998
Model of beta_cell mitochondrial calcium handling and electrical activity. I. Cytoplasmic variables
Mahajan, Karma, Garfinkel, Qu, Weiss, Shiferaw, Sato, Baher, Olcese, Xie, Yang, Chen, Restrepo, 2008
A rabbit ventricular action potential model replicating cardiac dynamics at rapid heart rates
Maleckar, Greenstein, Trayanova, Giles, 2009
Mathematical simulations of ligand-gated and cell-type specific effects on the action potential of human atrium
Maltsev, Lakatta, 2009
Non-steady state model translated from the published paper
Maltsev, Lakatta, 2009
Steady state model adapted from the author's orignal code
Marhl, Haberichter, Brumen, Heinrich, 2000
Complex calcium oscillations and the role of mitochondria and cytosolic proteins
Marhl, Schuster, Brumen, Heinrich, 1997
Modelling the interrelations between calcium oscillations and ER membrane potential oscillations
Matsuoka, Sarai, Kuratomi, Ono, Noma, 2003
Role of individual ionic current systems in ventricular cells hypothesized by a model study
Mazhari, Greenstein, Winslow, Marban, Nuss, 2001
Molecular Interactions Between Two Long-QT Syndrome Gene Products, HERG and KCNE2, Rationalized by In Vitro and In Silico Analysis
McAllister, Noble, Tsien, 1975
Reconstruction of the electrical activity of cardiac Purkinje fibres (Model B)
McAllister, Noble, Tsien, 1975
Reconstruction of the electrical activity of cardiac Purkinje fibres (Model A)
Mears, Sheppard, Atwater, Rojas, Bertram, Sherman, 1997
Evidence That Calcium Release-activated Current Mediates the Biphasic Electrical Activity of Mouse Pancreatic Beta-Cells
Michailova, McCulloch, 2001
Model study of ATP and ADP buffering, transport of Ca2+ and Mg2+, and regulation of ion pumps in ventricular myocyte
Michailova, Saucerman, Belik, McCulloch, 2005
Modeling regulation of cardiac KATP and L-type Ca2+ currents by ATP, ADP, and Mg2+
Miftakhov, Abdusheva, Christensen, 1999
Numerical Simulation of Motility Patterns of the Small Bowel. I. Formulation of a Mathematical Model
Mikane, Suga, Araki, Kohno, Nakayama, Suzuki, Shimuzi, Matsubara, Hirakawa, Takaki, 1997
Mechanism of Constant Contractile Efficiency Under Cooling Intropy of Myocardium: Simulation
Mitchell, Schaeffer, 2003
A two-current model for the dynamics of cardiac membrane
Mlcek, Neumann, Kittnar, Novak, 2001
Mathematical Model of the Electromechanical Heart Contractile System - Regulatory Subsystem Physiological Considerations
Morris, Lecar, 1981
Voltage oscillations in the barnacle giant muscle fiber: reduced model
Morris, Lecar, 1981
Voltage oscillations in the barnacle giant muscle fiber: complete model
Mosekilde, Lading, Yanchuk, Maistrenko, 2001
Bifurcation structure of a model of bursting pancreatic cells
Nagumo, Arimoto, Yoshizawa, 1962
An active pulse transmission line simulating nerve axon
Nash, Panfilov, 2004
Electromechanical model of excitable tissue to study reentrant cardiac arrhythmias
Ni et al. 2017 Human Atrial model
Ni et al. 2017 Human Atrial model
Niederer, Hunter, Smith, 2006
A quantitative analysis of cardiac myocyte relaxation: a simulation study
Niederer, Smith, 2007
A Mathematical Model of the Slow Force Response to Stretch in Rat Ventricular Myocytes
Noble, 1962
A Modification of the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations Applicable to Purkinje Fibre Action and Pace-Maker Potentials
Noble, DiFrancesco, Denyer, 1989
Ionic Mechanisms in Normal and Abnormal Cardiac Pacemaker Activity
Noble, Noble, 1984
A Model of Sino-Atrial Node Electrical Activity Based on a Modification of the DiFrancesco-Noble (1984) Equations
Noble, Noble, 2001
Remodelling of Calcium Dynamics in Guinea-Pig Ventricular Cells
Noble, Noble, Bett, Earm, Ho, So, 1991
The Role of Sodium-Calcium Exchange During the Cardiac Action Potential
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes (Basic Model)
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes (Extended Model)
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes (Stretch Model)
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Model A: single stimulus
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Model B: multiple stimuli
Nygren, Fiset, Firek, Clark, Lindblad, Clark, Giles, 1998
Mathematical Model of an Adult Human Atrial Cell: The Role of K+ Currents in Repolarization
Ostby, Omholt, Oyehaug, Einevoll, Nagelhus, Plahte, Zeuthen, Voipio, Lloyd, Ottersen, 2008
Astrocytic processes explaining neural-activity-induced shrinkage of extraneuronal space
Oyehaug, Ostby, Lloyd, Omholt, Einevoll, 2011
Dependence of spontaneous neuronal firing and depolarization block on astroglial membrane processes: Fig 2A
Oyehaug, Ostby, Lloyd, Omholt, Einevoll, 2011
Dependence of spontaneous neuronal firing and depolarization block on astroglial membrane processes: Fig 2B
Oyehaug, Ostby, Lloyd, Omholt, Einevoll, 2011
Dependence of spontaneous neuronal firing and depolarization block on astroglial membrane processes: Fig 2A