Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ bc5ea6aa6365 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / layout / test_BorderContainer.html

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-15 16:33:36+12:00
adding initial Jupyter notebook for cardiac cellular electrophysiology book chapter
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dijit.layout.BorderContainer tests

Headline layout (default), left is constrained - min:150, max:250

top bar (resizable)
left (resizable b/w 150 → 250)
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
foo bar baz Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
right (fixed size)
bottom bar (resizable)
Remove left panel

Sidebar layout, BiDi sensitive, liveSplitters: false

leading (fixed size)
top bar (fixed size)
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
foo bar baz Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar (resizable)
trailing (resizable)

gutters=false layout

top bar
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
foo bar baz Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar

Vertical panels only with splitters

top bar
main panel with a link.
(to check we're copying children around properly).
foo bar baz Here's some text that comes AFTER the combo box.
bottom bar

More fun with layouts

top a
top b
bottom c
bottom d
leading e
leading f
trailing g