Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ bc5ea6aa6365 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / form / test_validate.html

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-15 16:33:36+12:00
adding initial Jupyter notebook for cardiac cellular electrophysiology book chapter
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Dijit Validation Widgets

First Name: TextBox class, tabIndex=2, Attributes: {trim: true, propercase: true, intermediateChanges: true, style: 'width:700px'}, First letter of each word is upper case.

Last Name: TextBox class, Attributes: {trim: true, uppercase: true, class: 'verylong'}, all letters converted to upper case.
Age: NumberTextBox class, tabIndex=1, Attributes: {trim: true}, no initial value specified, tooltipPosition=[above, below]
onChange: setValue(null) getValue:
Favorite Number (1-100): NumberTextBox class, Attributes: required=true, must be integer, no messages provided, no initial value specified, maxlength=3
attr(required, true) attr(required, false)
Occupation: ValidationTextBox class, Attributes: {lowercase: true, required: true, class: verylong, style: font-size: 15pt;}. Displays a prompt message if field is missing.
Elevation: IntegerTextBox class, Attributes: {required: true, min:-20000, max:+20000 }, Enter feet above sea level with a sign.
Annual Income: CurrencyTextBox class, Attributes: {fractional: true}. Enter whole and cents. Currency symbol is optional.
USD  onChange:
euro currency (local format) fractional part is optional: EUR Disable Enable Reset
euro currency (fixed lang: de-de) programmatically created, fractional part is optional: EUR
Regular Expression RegexpTextBox class, Attributes: {required: true}
Password (just a test that type attribute is obeyed)
Trac ticket 1651: value: null should show up as empty
readOnly test a test that readOnly is understood
view data

Tooltip positioning

These buttons switch the positions searched to try to place the validation error tooltips. Note that setting tooltip positioning to "above" or "below" is dangerous if you have a node with a dropdown, but the drop down might overlap the tooltip.

above, below after, before (default)