Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 98909b01e6b2 / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / dtl / filter / dates.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 17:11:57+12:00
update for modified HH graphs in tutorial description
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	var ddfd = dojox.dtl.filter.dates;

	dojo.mixin(ddfd, {
		_toDate: function(value){
			if(value instanceof Date){
				return value;
			value = new Date(value);
			if(value.getTime() == new Date(0).getTime()){
				return "";
			return value;
		date: function(value, arg){
			// summary: Formats a date according to the given format
			value = ddfd._toDate(value);
			if(!value) return "";
			arg = arg || "N j, Y";
			return dojox.dtl.utils.date.format(value, arg);
		time: function(value, arg){
			// summary: Formats a time according to the given format
			value = ddfd._toDate(value);
			if(!value) return "";
			arg = arg || "P";
			return dojox.dtl.utils.date.format(value, arg);
		timesince: function(value, arg){
			// summary: Formats a date as the time since that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")
			value = ddfd._toDate(value);
			if(!value) return "";
			var timesince = dojox.dtl.utils.date.timesince;
			if(arg) return timesince(arg, value);
			return timesince(value);
		timeuntil: function(value, arg){
			// summary: Formats a date as the time until that date (i.e. "4 days, 6 hours")
			value = ddfd._toDate(value);
			if(!value) return "";
			var timesince = dojox.dtl.utils.date.timesince;
			if(arg) return timesince(arg, value);
			return timesince(new Date(), value);