Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / timing / Sequence.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
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dojo.declare("dojox.timing.Sequence", null, {
	// summary: 
	//	This class provides functionality to really sequentialize 
	//	function calls. You need to provide a list of functions and 
	//	some parameters for each (like: pauseBefore) and they will
	//	be run one after another. This can be very useful for slideshows
	//	or alike things.
	// description: 
	//	This array will contain the sequence defines resolved, so that
	// 	ie. repeat:10 will result in 10 elements in the sequence, so 
	// 	the repeat handling is easier and we don't need to handle that
	// 	many extra cases. Also the doneFunction, if given is added at the
	// 	end of the resolved-sequences.

	// _defsResolved: Array
	// 	The resolved sequence, for easier handling.
	_defsResolved: [],

	// This is the time to wait before goOn() calls _go(), which 
	// mostly results from a pauseAfter for a function that returned
	// false and is later continued by the external goOn() call.
	// The time to wait needs to be waited in goOn() where the
	// sequence is continued.

	// _goOnPause: Integer
	//	The pause to wait before really going on.
	_goOnPause: 0,

	_running: false,

	constructor: function(){
		this._defsResolved = [];

	go: function(/* Array */defs, /* Function|Array? */doneFunction){
		// summary: Run the passed sequence definition
		// defs: Array
		//		The sequence of actions
		// doneFunction: Function|Array?
		//		The function to call when done
		this._running = true;
		dojo.forEach(defs, function(cur){
			if(cur.repeat > 1){
				var repeat = cur.repeat;
				for(var j = 0; j < repeat; j++){
					cur.repeat = 1;
		}, this);
		var last = defs[defs.length - 1];
			this._defsResolved.push({ func: doneFunction });
		// stop the sequence, this actually just sets this._running to false
		this._defsResolved.push({ func: [this.stop, this] });
		this._curId = 0;

	_go: function(){
		// summary: Execute one task of this._defsResolved.

		// if _running was set to false stop the sequence, this is the
		// case when i.e. stop() was called.
		var cur = this._defsResolved[this._curId];
		this._curId += 1;
		// create the function to call, the func property might be an array, which means
		// [function, context, parameter1, parameter2, ...]
		function resolveAndCallFunc(func) {
			var ret = null;
				// Two elements might only be given when the function+context
				// is given, this is nice for using this, ie: [this.func, this]
					ret = func[0].apply(func[1], func.slice(2));
					ret = func[0].apply(func[1]);
				ret = func();
			return ret;

		if(this._curId >= this._defsResolved.length){
			resolveAndCallFunc(cur.func); // call the last function, since it is the doneFunction we dont need to handle pause stuff
			// don't go on and call this._go() again, we are done

			if(resolveAndCallFunc(cur.func) !== false){
				setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_go"), cur.pauseAfter);
				this._goOnPause = cur.pauseAfter;
		}else if(cur.pauseBefore){
			var x = dojo.hitch(this,function(){
				if(resolveAndCallFunc(cur.func) !== false){
			setTimeout(x, cur.pauseBefore);
			if(resolveAndCallFunc(cur.func) !== false){

	goOn: function(){
		// summary: This method just provides a hook from the outside, so that
		//		an interrupted sequence can be continued.
			setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_go"), this._goOnPause);
			this._goOnPause = 0; // reset it, so if the next one doesnt set it we dont use the old pause
		}else{ this._go(); }

	stop: function(){
		// summary:  Stop the currently running sequence.
		// description: 
		//		This can only interrupt the sequence not the last function that
		//		had been started. If the last function was i.e. a slideshow
		//		that is handled inside a function that you have given as
		//		one sequence item it cant be stopped, since it is not controlled
		//		by this object here. In this case it would be smarter to 
		//		run the slideshow using a sequence object so you can also stop 
		//		it using this method.
		this._running = false;
