Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / lang / utils.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
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	var empty = {}, du = dojox.lang.utils;
	dojo.mixin(dojox.lang.utils, {
		coerceType: function(target, source){
			switch(typeof target){
				case "number":	return Number(eval("(" + source + ")"));
				case "string":	return String(source);
				case "boolean":	return Boolean(eval("(" + source + ")"));
			return eval("(" + source + ")");
		updateWithObject: function(target, source, conv){
			// summary: updates an existing object in place with properties from an "source" object.
			// target: Object: the "target" object to be updated
			// source: Object: the "source" object, whose properties will be used to source the existed object.
			// conv: Boolean?: force conversion to the original type
			if(!source){ return target; }
			for(var x in target){
				if(x in source && !(x in empty)){
					var t = target[x];
					if(t && typeof t == "object"){
						du.updateObject(t, source[x]);
						target[x] = conv ? du.coerceType(t, source[x]) : dojo.clone(source[x]);
			return target;	// Object
		updateWithPattern: function(target, source, pattern, conv){
			// summary: updates an existing object in place with properties from an "source" object.
			// target: Object: the "target" object to be updated
			// source: Object: the "source" object, whose properties will be used to source the existed object.
			// pattern: Array: an array of properties to be copied
			// conv: Boolean?: force conversion to the original type
			if(!source || !pattern){ return target; }
			for(var x in pattern){
				if(x in source && !(x in empty)){
					target[x] = conv ? du.coerceType(pattern[x], source[x]) : dojo.clone(source[x]);
			return target;	// Object