Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / json / query.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
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	function slice(obj,start,end,step){
		// handles slice operations: [3:6:2]
		var len=obj.length,results = [];
		end = end || len;
		start = (start < 0) ? Math.max(0,start+len) : Math.min(len,start);
		end = (end < 0) ? Math.max(0,end+len) : Math.min(len,end);
	  	for(var i=start; i<end; i+=step){
		return results;
	function expand(obj,name){
		// handles ..name, .*, [*], [val1,val2], [val]
		// name can be a property to search for, undefined for full recursive, or an array for picking by index
		var results = [];
		function walk(obj){
				if(name===true && !(obj instanceof Array)){
					//recursive object search
				}else if(obj[name]){
					// found the name, add to our results
			for(var i in obj){
				var val = obj[i];
					// if we don't have a name we are just getting all the properties values (.* or [*])
				}else if(val && typeof val == 'object'){
		if(name instanceof Array){
			// this is called when multiple items are in the brackets: [3,4,5]
				// this can happen as a result of the parser becoming confused about commas 
				// in the brackets like [@.func(4,2)]. Fixing the parser would require recursive 
				// analsys, very expensive, but this fixes the problem nicely. 
				return obj[name[0]];
			for(var i = 0; i < name.length; i++){
			// otherwise we expanding
		return results;
	dojox.json.query = function(/*String*/query,/*Object?*/obj){
		// summary:
		// 		Performs a JSONQuery on the provided object and returns the results. 
		// 		If no object is provided (just a query), it returns a "compiled" function that evaluates objects
		// 		according to the provided query.
		// query:
		// 		Query string
		// 	obj:
		// 		Target of the JSONQuery
		//	description:
		//		JSONQuery provides a comprehensive set of data querying tools including filtering,
		//		recursive search, sorting, mapping, range selection, and powerful expressions with
		//		wildcard string comparisons and various operators. JSONQuery generally supersets
		// 		JSONPath and provides syntax that matches and behaves like JavaScript where
		// 		possible.
		//		JSONQuery evaluations begin with the provided object, which can referenced with
		// 		$. From
		// 		the starting object, various operators can be successively applied, each operating
		// 		on the result of the last operation. 
		// 		Supported Operators:
		// 		--------------------
		//		* .property - This will return the provided property of the object, behaving exactly 
		// 		like JavaScript. 
		// 		* [expression] - This returns the property name/index defined by the evaluation of 
		// 		the provided expression, behaving exactly like JavaScript.
		//		* [?expression] - This will perform a filter operation on an array, returning all the
		// 		items in an array that match the provided expression. This operator does not
		//		need to be in brackets, you can simply use ?expression, but since it does not
		//		have any containment, no operators can be used afterwards when used 
		// 		without brackets.
		// 		* [/expression], [\expression], [/expression, /expression] - This performs a sort 
		// 		operation on an array, with sort based on the provide expression. Multiple comma delimited sort
		// 		expressions can be provided for multiple sort orders (first being highest priority). /
		//		indicates ascending order and \ indicates descending order
		// 		* [=expression] - This performs a map operation on an array, creating a new array
		//		with each item being the evaluation of the expression for each item in the source array.
		//		* [start:end:step] - This performs an array slice/range operation, returning the elements
		//		from the optional start index to the optional end index, stepping by the optional step number.
		// 		* [expr,expr] - This a union operator, returning an array of all the property/index values from
		// 		the evaluation of the comma delimited expressions. 
		// 		* .* or [*] - This returns the values of all the properties of the current object. 
		// 		* $ - This is the root object, If a JSONQuery expression does not being with a $, 
		// 		it will be auto-inserted at the beginning. 
		// 		* @ - This is the current object in filter, sort, and map expressions. This is generally
		// 		not necessary, names are auto-converted to property references of the current object
		// 		in expressions. 
		// 		*	..property - Performs a recursive search for the given property name, returning
		// 		an array of all values with such a property name in the current object and any subobjects
		// 		* expr = expr - Performs a comparison (like JS's ==). When comparing to
		// 		a string, the comparison string may contain wildcards * (matches any number of 
		// 		characters) and ? (matches any single character).
		// 		* expr ~ expr - Performs a string comparison with case insensitivity.
		//		* ..[?expression] - This will perform a deep search filter operation on all the objects and 
		// 		subobjects of the current data. Rather than only searching an array, this will search 
		// 		property values, arrays, and their children.
		//		* $1,$2,$3, etc. - These are references to extra parameters passed to the query
		//		function or the evaluator function.
		//		* +, -, /, *, &, |, %, (, ), <, >, <=, >=, != - These operators behave just as they do
		// 		in JavaScript.
		// 	|	dojox.json.query(queryString,object) 
		// 		and
		// 	|	dojox.json.query(queryString)(object)
		// 		always return identical results. The first one immediately evaluates, the second one returns a
		// 		function that then evaluates the object.
		// 	example:
		// 	|	dojox.json.query("foo",{foo:"bar"}) 
		// 		This will return "bar".
		//	example:
		//	|	evaluator = dojox.json.query("?foo='bar'&rating>3");
		//		This creates a function that finds all the objects in an array with a property
		//		foo that is equals to "bar" and with a rating property with a value greater
		//		than 3.
		//	|	evaluator([{foo:"bar",rating:4},{foo:"baz",rating:2}])
		// 		This returns:
		// 	|	{foo:"bar",rating:4}
		//	example:
		// 	|	evaluator = dojox.json.query("$[?price<15.00][\rating][0:10]");
		// 	 	This finds objects in array with a price less than 15.00 and sorts then
		// 		by rating, highest rated first, and returns the first ten items in from this
		// 		filtered and sorted list.
		tokens = [];
		var depth = 0;	
		var str = [];
		query = query.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(\\.|[^'\\])*'|[\[\]]/g,function(t){
			depth += t == '[' ? 1 : t == ']' ? -1 : 0; // keep track of bracket depth
			return (t == ']' && depth > 0) ? '`]' : // we mark all the inner brackets as skippable
					(t.charAt(0) == '"' || t.charAt(0) == "'") ? "`" + (str.push(t) - 1) :// and replace all the strings
		var prefix = '';
		function call(name){
			// creates a function call and puts the expression so far in a parameter for a call 
			prefix = name + "(" + prefix;
		function makeRegex(t,a,b,c,d){
			// creates a regular expression matcher for when wildcards and ignore case is used 
			return str[d].match(/[\*\?]/) ?
					"/" + str[d].substring(1,str[d].length-1).replace(/\\([btnfr\\"'])|([^\w\*\?])/g,"\\$1$2").replace(/([\*\?])/g,".$1") + (c == '~' ? '/i' : '/') + ".test(" + a + ")" :
			throw new Error("Unsafe function call");
		query = query.replace(/([^=]=)([^=])/g,"$1=$2"). // change the equals to comparisons
				return t.charAt(0) == '.' ? t : // leave .prop alone 
					t == '@' ? "$obj" :// the reference to the current object 
					(t.match(/:|^(\$|Math)$/) ? "" : "$obj.") + t; // plain names should be properties of root... unless they are a label in object initializer
				var oper = t.match(/^\.?\.?(\[\s*\?|\?|\[\s*==)(.*?)\]?$/); // [?expr] and ?expr and [=expr and =expr
					var prefix = '';
						// recursive object search
						prefix = ",true)";
					call(oper[1].match(/\=/) ? "dojo.map" : "dojo.filter");
					return prefix + ",function($obj){return " + oper[2] + "})"; 
				oper = t.match(/^\[\s*([\/\\].*)\]/); // [/sortexpr,\sortexpr]
					// make a copy of the array and then sort it using the sorting expression
					return ".concat().sort(function(a,b){" + oper[1].replace(/\s*,?\s*([\/\\])\s*([^,\\\/]+)/g,function(t,a,b){
							return "var av= " + b.replace(/\$obj/,"a") + ",bv= " + b.replace(/\$obj/,"b") + // FIXME: Should check to make sure the $obj token isn't followed by characters
									";if(av>bv||bv==null){return " + (a== "/" ? 1 : -1) +";}\n" +
									"if(bv>av||av==null){return " + (a== "/" ? -1 : 1) +";}\n";
					}) + "})";
				oper = t.match(/^\[(-?[0-9]*):(-?[0-9]*):?(-?[0-9]*)\]/); // slice [0:3]
					return "," + (oper[1] || 0) + "," + (oper[2] || 0) + "," + (oper[3] || 1) + ")"; 
				if(t.match(/^\.\.|\.\*|\[\s*\*\s*\]|,/)){ // ..prop and [*]
					return (t.charAt(1) == '.' ? 
							",'" + b + "'" : // ..prop 
								t.match(/,/) ? 
									"," + t : // [prop1,prop2]
									"") + ")"; // [*]
				return t;
			replace(/(\$obj\s*(\.\s*[\w_$]+\s*)*)(==|~)\s*`([0-9]+)/g,makeRegex). // create regex matching
			replace(/`([0-9]+)\s*(==|~)\s*(\$obj(\s*\.\s*[\w_$]+)*)/g,function(t,a,b,c,d){ // and do it for reverse =
				return makeRegex(t,c,d,b,a);
		query = prefix + (query.charAt(0) == '$' ? "" : "$") + query.replace(/`([0-9]+|\])/g,function(t,a){
			//restore the strings
			return a == ']' ? ']' : str[a];
		// create a function within this scope (so it can use expand and slice)
		var executor = eval("1&&function($,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9){var $obj=$;return " + query + "}");
		for(var i = 0;i<arguments.length-1;i++){
			arguments[i] = arguments[i+1];
		return obj ? executor.apply(this,arguments) : executor;