Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / highlight / languages / sql.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
Permanent Source URI:



		'all': 1, 'partial': 1, 'global': 1, 'month': 1, 
		'current_timestamp': 1, 'using': 1, 'go': 1, 'revoke': 1, 
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		'constraint': 1, 'column': 1, 'of': 1, 'space': 1, 'foreign': 1,
		'deferrable': 1, 'prior': 1, 'connection': 1, 'unknown': 1, 
		'action': 1, 'commit': 1, 'view': 1, 'or': 1, 'first': 1, 'into': 1,
		'float': 1, 'year': 1, 'primary': 1, 'cascaded': 1, 'except': 1,
		'restrict': 1, 'set': 1, 'references': 1, 'names': 1, 'table': 1,
		'outer': 1, 'open': 1, 'select': 1, 'size': 1, 'are': 1, 'rows': 1,
		'from': 1, 'prepare': 1, 'distinct': 1, 'leading': 1, 'create': 1,
		'only': 1, 'next': 1, 'inner': 1, 'authorization': 1, 'schema': 1,
		'corresponding': 1, 'option': 1, 'declare': 1, 'precision': 1,
		'immediate': 1, 'else': 1, 'timezone_minute': 1, 'external': 1,
		'varying': 1, 'translation': 1, 'true': 1, 'case': 1, 'exception': 1,
		'join': 1, 'hour': 1, 'default': 1, 'double': 1, 'scroll': 1, 
		'value': 1, 'cursor': 1, 'descriptor': 1, 'values': 1, 'dec': 1,
		'fetch': 1, 'procedure': 1, 'delete': 1, 'and': 1, 'false': 1, 
		'int': 1, 'is': 1, 'describe': 1, 'char': 1, 'as': 1, 'at': 1, 'in': 1,
		'varchar': 1, 'null': 1, 'trailing': 1, 'any': 1, 'absolute': 1,
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	var dh = dojox.highlight, dhc = dh.constants;
	dh.languages.sql = {
		// summary: SQL highlight definitions
		case_insensitive: true,
			defaultMode: {
				lexems: [dhc.IDENT_RE],
				contains: ['string', 'number', 'comment'],
				keywords: {
					'keyword': SQL_KEYWORDS,
					'aggregate': {'count': 1, 'sum': 1, 'min': 1, 'max': 1, 'avg': 1}
		modes: [
				className: 'comment',
				begin: '--', end: '$'
				className: 'string',
				begin: '\'', end: '\'',
				contains: ['escape', 'squote'],
				relevance: 0
				className: 'squote',
				begin: '\'\'', end: '^'
				className: 'string',
				begin: '"', end: '"',
				contains: [ 'escape', 'dquote'],
				relevance: 0
				className: 'dquote',
				begin: '""', end: '^'
				className: 'string',
				begin: '`', end: '`',
				contains: ['escape']