Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / form / _SelectStackMixin.js

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
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dojo.declare("dojox.form._SelectStackMixin", null, {
	// summary:
	//		Mix this class in to a dojox.form._FormSelectWidget in order to 
	//		provide support for "selectable" multiforms.  The widget is pointed
	//		to a dijit.layout.StackContainer and will handle displaying and 
	//		submitting the values of only the appropriate pane.
	//		The options for this widget will be automatically set - based on 
	//		the panes that are in the stack container.  The "title" attribute of
	//		the pane will be used for the display of the option.  The "id" attribute
	//		of the pane will be used as the value of the option.  In order to 
	//		avoid running into unique ID constraint issues, a stackPrefix mechanism
	//		is provided.

	// stackId: string
	//		The id of the stack that this widget is supposed to control
	stackId: "",
	// stackPrefix: string
	//		A prefix to remove from our stack pane ids when setting our options.
	//		This exists so that we won't run into unique ID constraints.  For 
	//		example, if stackPrefix is set to "foo_", and there are three panes
	//		in our stack with ids of "foo_a", "foo_b", and "foo_c", then the values
	//		of the options created for the stack controller widget will be "a",
	//		"b", and "c".  This allows you to have multiple select stack widgets
	//		with the same values - without having to have the panes require the
	//		same ids.
	stackPrefix: "",
	_paneIdFromOption: function(/*String*/ oVal){
		// summary: Gets the pane ID given an option value
		return (this.stackPrefix || "") + oVal; // String
	_optionValFromPane: function(/*String*/ id){
		// summary: Gets the option value given a pane ID
		var sp = this.stackPrefix;
		if(sp && id.indexOf(sp) === 0){
			return id.substring(sp.length); // String
		return id; // String
	_togglePane: function(/*Widget*/ pane, /*Boolean*/ shown){
		// summary: called when a pane is either shown or hidden (so that
		//  we can toggle the widgets on it)
		if(pane._shown != undefined && pane._shown == shown){ return; }
		var widgets = dojo.filter(pane.getDescendants(), "return item.name;");
			// We are hiding - save the current state and then disable them
			savedStates = {};
			dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w){
				savedStates[w.id] = w.disabled;
				w.setAttribute("disabled", true);
			pane._savedStates = savedStates;
			// We are showing - restore our saved states
			var savedStates = pane._savedStates||{};
			dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w){
				var state = savedStates[w.id];
				if(state == undefined){
					state = false;
				w.setAttribute("disabled", state);
			delete pane._savedStates;
		pane._shown = shown;

	onAddChild: function(/*Widget*/ pane, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
		// summary: Called when the stack container adds a new pane
			this._panes[pane.id] = pane;
			this.addOption({value: this._optionValFromPane(pane.id), label: pane.title});
		if(!pane.onShow || !pane.onHide || pane._shown == undefined){
			pane.onShow = dojo.hitch(this, "_togglePane", pane, true);
			pane.onHide = dojo.hitch(this, "_togglePane", pane, false);
	onRemoveChild: function(/*Widget*/ pane){
		// summary: Called when the stack container removes a pane
			delete this._panes[pane.id];
	onSelectChild: function(/*Widget*/ pane){
		// summary: Called when the stack container selects a new pane
	onStartup: function(/*Object*/ info){
		// summary: Called when the stack container is started up
		var selPane = info.selected;
		dojo.forEach(info.children, function(c){
			if(this._savedValue && this._optionValFromPane(c.id)){
				selPane = c;
		}, this);
		delete this._savedValue;
			this._togglePane(selPane, true);
	postMixInProperties: function(){
		this._savedValue = this.value;
	postCreate: function(){
		this._panes = {};
		this._subscriptions = [
			dojo.subscribe(this.stackId + "-startup", this, "onStartup"),
			dojo.subscribe(this.stackId + "-addChild", this, "onAddChild"),
			dojo.subscribe(this.stackId + "-removeChild", this, "onRemoveChild"),
			dojo.subscribe(this.stackId + "-selectChild", this, "onSelectChild")
		var stack = dijit.byId(this.stackId);
		if(stack && stack._started){
			// If we have a stack, and it's already started, call our onStartup now
			this.onStartup({children: stack.getChildren(), selected: stack.selectedChildWidget});
	destroy: function(){
		dojo.forEach(this._subscriptions, dojo.unsubscribe);
	onChange: function(/*String*/ val){
		// summary: Called when form select widget's value has changed
		var pane = this._panes[this._paneIdFromOption(val)];
		if (pane)