Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 43f20681b64f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / tests / test_Editor.html

David Nickerson <david.nickerson@gmail.com>
2021-09-16 01:22:44+12:00
update to jupyter notebook
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Automated Test - all check boxes should be checked
Focus: Value: Change: Blur: Disabled:

Editor + Plugins Test

Created from div

This instance is created from a div directly with default toolbar and plugins

The following HTML should appear as source: <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="javascript:alert('no scripting attacks')">
destroy getValue

Created from div, auto-expanding

thud - from div

This editor is created from a div with AlwaysShowToolbar plugin (do not forget to set height="").

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean semper sagittis velit. Cras in mi. Duis porta mauris ut ligula. Proin porta rutrum lacus. Etiam consequat scelerisque quam. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas luctus venenatis nulla. In sit amet dui non mi semper iaculis. Sed molestie tortor at ipsum. Morbi dictum rutrum magna. Sed vitae risus.

The following HTML should appear as source: <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="javascript:alert('no scripting attacks')">


Optional toolbar buttons

blah entry

This instance includes optional toolbar buttons which pull in additional ui (dijit) code. Note the dojo.require() statements required to pull in the associated editor plugins to make this work.
This is serif.
This is sans-serif.
This is monospace.
This is cursive.
This is fantasy.



Plugins specified

Another blah entry

This instance demos how to:
  1. specify which plugins to load (see the plugins property): this instance loads EnterKeyHandling plugin, among others;
  2. specify options for a plugin (see the last item in the plugins array)


Programmatic creation

This div will become an editor.
create static editor
This div will become an auto-expanding editor.
create expanding editor