Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 0c824288680f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / string / README

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 22:22:32+12:00
renaming files in order to move to a single reference description for the entire tutorial
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DojoX String Utilities
Version 0.9
Release date: 05/08/2007
Project state:
dojox.string.Builder: stable
dojox.string.sprintf: beta
dojox.string.tokenize: beta
Project authors
	Ben Lowery
	Tom Trenka (ttrenka@gmail.com)
	Neil Roberts
Project description

The DojoX String utilties project is a placeholder for miscellaneous string
utility functions.  At the time of writing, only the Builder object has been
added; but we anticipate other string utilities may end up living here as well.

Dojo Core (package loader).

See the Dojo Toolkit API docs (http://dojotookit.org/api), dojo.string.Builder.
Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.