Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 0c824288680f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / lang / aspect / memoizerGuard.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 22:22:32+12:00
renaming files in order to move to a single reference description for the entire tutorial
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	var aop = dojox.lang.aspect,
		reset = function(/*String|Array?*/ method){
			var that = aop.getContext().instance, t;
			if(!(t = that.__memoizerCache)){ return; }
			if(arguments.length == 0){
				delete that.__memoizerCache;
			}else if(dojo.isArray(method)){
				dojo.forEach(method, function(m){ delete t[m]; });
				delete t[method];

	aop.memoizerGuard = function(/*String|Array?*/ method){
		// summary:
		//		Invalidates the memoizer's cache (see dojox.lang.aspect.memoizer)
		//		after calling certain methods.
		// method:
		//		Optional method's name to be guarded: only cache for
		//		this method will be invalidated on call. Can be a string
		//		or an array of method names. If omitted the whole cache
		//		will be invalidated.

		return {	// Object
			after: function(){ reset(method); }