Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 0c824288680f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dojox / fx / ext-dojo / NodeList.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 22:22:32+12:00
renaming files in order to move to a single reference description for the entire tutorial
Permanent Source URI:

// summary: Core extensions to dojo.NodeList providing addtional fx to dojo.NodeList-fx
// description:
//	A Package to extend dojo base NodeList with fx provided by the dojox.fx project.
//	These are experimental animations, in an experimental 


dojo.extend(dojo.NodeList, {

	sizeTo: function(args){
		//	summary:
		//		size all elements of this NodeList. Returns an instance of dojo._Animation
		//	example:
		//	|	// size all divs with class "blah"
		//	|	dojo.query("div.blah").sizeTo({
		//	|		width:50,
		//	|		height:50
		//	|	}).play();
		return this._anim(dojox.fx, "sizeTo", args); // dojo._Animation

	slideBy: function(args){
		//	summary:
		//		slide all elements of this NodeList. Returns an instance of dojo._Animation
		//	example:
		//	|	// slide all tables with class "blah" 10 px 
		//	|	dojo.query("table.blah").slideBy({ top:10, left:10 }).play();
		return this._anim(dojox.fx, "slideBy", args); // dojo._Animation

	highlight: function(args){
		//	summary:
		//		highlight all elements of the node list.
		//		Returns an instance of dojo._Animation
		//	example:
		//	|	// highlight all links with class "foo" 
		//	|	dojo.query("a.foo").hightlight().play();
		return this._anim(dojox.fx, "highlight", args); // dojo._Animation

	fadeTo: function(args){
		// 	summary:
		//		fade all elements of the node list to a specified opacity
		//	example:
		//	|	// fade all elements with class "bar" to to 50% opacity
		//	|	dojo.query(".bar").fadeTo({ end: 0.5 }).play();
		return this._anim(dojo,"_fade",args);
	wipeTo: function(args){
		// summary:
		//		Wipe all elements of the NodeList to a specified width: or height:
		// example:
		//	| dojo.query(".box").wipeTo({ width: 300px }).play();
		return this._anim(dojox.fx, "wipeTo", args);
