Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 0c824288680f / dojo-presentation / js / dojo / dijit / _editor / nls / commands.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 22:22:32+12:00
renaming files in order to move to a single reference description for the entire tutorial
Permanent Source URI:

	'bold': 'Bold',
	'copy': 'Copy',
	'cut': 'Cut',
	'delete': 'Delete',
	'indent': 'Indent',
	'insertHorizontalRule': 'Horizontal Rule',
	'insertOrderedList': 'Numbered List',
	'insertUnorderedList': 'Bullet List',
	'italic': 'Italic',
	'justifyCenter': 'Align Center',
	'justifyFull': 'Justify',
	'justifyLeft': 'Align Left',
	'justifyRight': 'Align Right',
	'outdent': 'Outdent',
	'paste': 'Paste',
	'redo': 'Redo',
	'removeFormat': 'Remove Format',
	'selectAll': 'Select All',
	'strikethrough': 'Strikethrough',
	'subscript': 'Subscript',
	'superscript': 'Superscript',
	'underline': 'Underline',
	'undo': 'Undo',
	'unlink': 'Remove Link',
	'createLink': 'Create Link',
	'toggleDir': 'Toggle Direction',
	'insertImage': 'Insert Image',
	'insertTable': 'Insert/Edit Table',
	'toggleTableBorder': 'Toggle Table Border',
	'deleteTable': 'Delete Table',
	'tableProp': 'Table Property',
	'htmlToggle': 'HTML Source',
	'foreColor': 'Foreground Color',
	'hiliteColor': 'Background Color',
	'plainFormatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
	'formatBlock': 'Paragraph Style',
	'fontSize': 'Font Size',
	'fontName': 'Font Name',
	'tabIndent': 'Tab Indent',
	/* Error messages */
	'systemShortcutFF': 'The "${0}" action is only available in Mozilla Firefox using a keyboard shortcut. Use ${1}.',
	'appleKey':'\u2318${0}', // "command" or open-apple key on Macintosh
	'pasteShortcutSafari':'The "paste" action is only available in Safari using a keyboard shortcut. Use ${0}.'