Location: Halloy, Bernard, Loussouarn, Goldbeter, 2002 @ 2b264080a897 / fraction.cellml

Mona Zhu <devnull@localhost>
2011-01-19 16:20:39+13:00
Adding 1.1 models with documentation + metadata
Permanent Source URI:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<model xmlns="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.1#" xmlns:cmeta="http://www.cellml.org/metadata/1.1#" cmeta:id="fraction" name="fraction">    
	<!-- documentation -->
	<documentation xmlns="http://cellml.org/tmp-documentation">
				<title>The Follicular Automaton Model for Hair Cycles</title>
						<shortaffil>Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland</shortaffil>
		  <section id="sec_status">
			<title>Model Status</title>
			<para>This is an import for the model "halloy_2002_1.1.cellml". It is used to define a base unit for the fraction of follicles in each phase. This file is known to run only in OpenCell in conjunction with the base file. 
	<!-- units -->
	<units base_units="no" name="fraction">
		<unit units="dimensionless"/>