Location: Single PASMC model (Gosak et al 2014) @ 7008ad73e8ef / Components / buildsrc / PASMC.txt

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2022-05-17 17:42:12+12:00
update lib
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def model PASMC as
    def import using "../cellLib/Components/units.cellml" for
        unit C_per_mmol using unit C_per_mmol;
        unit J_per_K_mol using unit J_per_K_mol;
        unit mM using unit mM;
        unit mV using unit mV;
        unit mV_per_uM using unit mV_per_uM;
        unit per_s using unit per_s;
        unit uM using unit uM;
        unit uM2 using unit uM2;
        unit uM_per_s using unit uM_per_s;
        unit uM_per_s_mV using unit uM_per_s_mV;

    def import using "Cai.cellml" for
        comp Cai using comp Cai;

    def import using "Casr.cellml" for
        comp Casr using comp Casr;

    def import using "JCICRi.cellml" for
        comp JCICRi using comp JCICRi;

    def import using "JCli.cellml" for
        comp JCli using comp JCli;

    def import using "JKi.cellml" for
        comp JKi using comp JKi;

    def import using "JNCXi.cellml" for
        comp JNCXi using comp JNCXi;

    def import using "JNKAi.cellml" for
        comp JNKAi using comp JNKAi;

    def import using "JPMCAi.cellml" for
        comp JPMCAi using comp JPMCAi;

    def import using "JSERCAi.cellml" for
        comp JSERCAi using comp JSERCAi;

    def import using "JVOCCi.cellml" for
        comp JVOCCi using comp JVOCCi;

    def import using "Jleaki.cellml" for
        comp Jleaki using comp Jleaki;

    def import using "Vm.cellml" for
        comp Vm using comp Vm;

    def comp PASMC as
        var gamma: mV_per_uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var vi_init: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var ci_init: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var si_init: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var R: J_per_K_mol {pub: in, priv: out};
        var F: C_per_mmol {pub: in, priv: out};
        var T: kelvin {pub: in, priv: out};
        var G_Ki: uM_per_s_mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var wi_init: dimensionless {pub: in, priv: out};
        var lambda: per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var c_w: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_Ca3: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var R_K: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var beta: uM2 {pub: in, priv: out};
        var Ki: mM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var G_Cl: uM_per_s_mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_Cl: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var C_NKA: uM_per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var K_mK: mM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var L: per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var D: per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_d: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var R_d: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var C: uM_per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var s_c: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var c_c: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var B: uM_per_s {pub: in, priv: out};
        var c_b: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var G_NCX: uM_per_s_mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_NCX: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var c_NCX: uM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var G_Ca: uM_per_s_mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_Ca1: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_Ca2: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var R_Ca: mV {pub: in, priv: out};
        var K_out: mM {pub: in, priv: out};
        var v_i: mV {pub: out, priv: in};
        var s_i: uM {pub: out, priv: in};
        var c_i: uM {pub: out, priv: in};
        var t: second {pub: in, priv: out};

    def group as encapsulation for
        comp PASMC incl
            comp JVOCCi;
            comp JNCXi;
            comp JSERCAi;
            comp JCICRi;
            comp JPMCAi;
            comp Jleaki;
            comp JNKAi;
            comp JCli;
            comp JKi;
            comp Casr;
            comp Cai;
            comp Vm;

    def map between Cai and JCICRi for
        vars c_i and c_i;
        vars J_CICRi and J_CICRi;

    def map between Cai and JKi for
        vars c_i and c_i;

    def map between Cai and JNCXi for
        vars c_i and c_i;
        vars J_NCXi and J_NCXi;

    def map between Cai and JPMCAi for
        vars c_i and c_i;
        vars J_PMCAi and J_PMCAi;

    def map between Cai and JSERCAi for
        vars c_i and c_i;
        vars J_SERCAi and J_SERCAi;

    def map between Cai and JVOCCi for
        vars J_VOCCi and J_VOCCi;

    def map between Cai and Jleaki for
        vars J_leaki and J_leaki;

    def map between Cai and PASMC for
        vars c_i and c_i;
        vars t and t;
        vars ci_init and ci_init;

    def map between Casr and JCICRi for
        vars s_i and s_i;
        vars J_CICRi and J_CICRi;

    def map between Casr and JSERCAi for
        vars J_SERCAi and J_SERCAi;

    def map between Casr and Jleaki for
        vars s_i and s_i;
        vars J_leaki and J_leaki;

    def map between Casr and PASMC for
        vars s_i and s_i;
        vars t and t;
        vars si_init and si_init;

    def map between JCICRi and PASMC for
        vars C and C;
        vars s_c and s_c;
        vars c_c and c_c;

    def map between JCli and Vm for
        vars J_Cli and J_Cli;
        vars v_i and v_i;

    def map between JCli and PASMC for
        vars G_Cl and G_Cl;
        vars v_Cl and v_Cl;

    def map between JKi and Vm for
        vars J_Ki and J_Ki;
        vars v_i and v_i;

    def map between JKi and PASMC for
        vars R and R;
        vars F and F;
        vars T and T;
        vars G_Ki and G_Ki;
        vars wi_init and wi_init;
        vars lambda and lambda;
        vars c_w and c_w;
        vars v_Ca3 and v_Ca3;
        vars R_K and R_K;
        vars beta and beta;
        vars Ki and Ki;
        vars K_out and K_out;
        vars t and t;

    def map between JNCXi and Vm for
        vars J_NCXi and J_NCXi;
        vars v_i and v_i;

    def map between JNCXi and PASMC for
        vars G_NCX and G_NCX;
        vars v_NCX and v_NCX;
        vars c_NCX and c_NCX;

    def map between JNKAi and Vm for
        vars J_NKAi and J_NKAi;

    def map between JNKAi and PASMC for
        vars C_NKA and C_NKA;
        vars K_mK and K_mK;
        vars K_out and K_out;

    def map between JPMCAi and Vm for
        vars v_i and v_i;

    def map between JPMCAi and PASMC for
        vars D and D;
        vars v_d and v_d;
        vars R_d and R_d;

    def map between JSERCAi and PASMC for
        vars B and B;
        vars c_b and c_b;

    def map between JVOCCi and Vm for
        vars J_VOCCi and J_VOCCi;
        vars v_i and v_i;

    def map between JVOCCi and PASMC for
        vars G_Ca and G_Ca;
        vars v_Ca1 and v_Ca1;
        vars v_Ca2 and v_Ca2;
        vars R_Ca and R_Ca;

    def map between Jleaki and PASMC for
        vars L and L;

    def map between Vm and PASMC for
        vars v_i and v_i;
        vars gamma and gamma;
        vars t and t;
        vars vi_init and vi_init;
