- Author:
- Shelley Fong <s.fong@auckland.ac.nz>
- Date:
- 2022-04-08 14:02:01+12:00
- Desc:
- Fitting to kinetic hybrid model of LRd + Kernik
- Permanent Source URI:
- https://models.physiomeproject.org/workspace/82d/rawfile/ef4b8640984c620ac0534355377346919cffdeb6/Clancy_matlab_parameter_fitting/PSO_GHK_fitting_curve.m
% clc;
% close all;
%% Options
run_optimisation = true;
%% Set up directories
current_dir = cd;
Idx_backslash = find(current_dir == filesep);
main_dir = current_dir; %(1:Idx_backslash(end));
data_dir = [main_dir '\data' filesep];
code_dir = [main_dir '\code' filesep];
output_dir = [main_dir '\output' filesep];
storage_dir = [main_dir '\storage' filesep];
%% Define constants
R = 8.314;
T = 310;
F = 96485;
%% Plot I-V curves
% I = G_GHK * K [=] mA
% G_GHK = I/K [=] Amp.litre/mol
% G_PMR [=] mS [=] mA/V
V = (-140:1:60)/1000;
V = V';
cKo = 4.5;
cKi = 141.2;
cNao = 132;
cNai = 9;
Cai = 6e-5; %millimolar
PNaK = 0.01833; % [=] dimless
Cm = 153400e-9; % Unit microF
SA = 11400e-8; % [=] cm2, using SA(um2) = 0.3*vol (in um3) (Bers)
g_Ks = 0.433; % [=] milliS_per_cm2
G_pmr = g_Ks*SA*(1+(0.6/(1+((3.8e-5/Cai)^1.4)))); % [=] mS
% E_K = R*T/F*log(cKo/cKi_st);
% E_K_st = R*T/F*log(cKo_st/cKi_st);
E_K = (R*T/F)*log((cKo+PNaK*cNao)/(cKi+PNaK*cNai)); % [=] V
I_lin = G_pmr*(V-E_K); % Unit mA don't consider gating variable: just finding conductance.
fitRange = 44:67;
% fitRange = [1:length(I_lin)];
error_func = @(G_GHK) square_error(I_lin(fitRange) - calc_IGHK(G_GHK,V(fitRange),cKi,cKo));
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [-Inf];
ub = [Inf];
options_ps = optimoptions('particleswarm','UseParallel',false,'HybridFcn',@fminunc,'SwarmSize',2000, ...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-16);
if run_optimisation
[G_GHK,fval,exitflag,output] = particleswarm(error_func,1,lb,ub,options_ps);
G_GHK2 = G_GHK*0.5;
save([storage_dir 'Ks_G_GHK.mat'],'G_GHK2');
load([storage_dir 'Ks_G_GHK.mat']);
% problem is that sign of current is switched around -80mV, which is
% resting physiological. Want to minimise difference as much as possible.
% hacked to save the more smaller value.
I_GHK = calc_IGHK(G_GHK,V,cKi,cKo);
I_GHK2 = calc_IGHK(G_GHK*0.5,V,cKi,cKo);
I_GHK3 = calc_IGHK(G_GHK*2,V,cKi,cKo);
if run_optimisation
save([storage_dir 'Ks_G_GHK.mat'],'G_GHK2');
h = figure;
plot(1000*V,1e6*I_lin,'k--',1000*V,1e6*I_GHK,'k','LineWidth',2); hold on,
plot(1000*V,1e6*I_GHK2,'r','LineWidth',2); hold on,
ylabel('Current (nA)');
xlabel('Voltage (mV)');
grid on;
% print_figure(h,output_dir,'Ks_IV_curve');