
Periodic stimulation

In the periodic stimulation experiment, the Membrane potential component is configured and parameterised with an applied periodic stimulus current.

You can change the parameters of stimulation in the component Istim_parameters.

You can also bypass the parameters in the component model_parameters and initial_conditions and define your own parameters.

The simulation experiment can be obtained by loading the corresponding SED-ML document into OpenCOR and executing the simulation.

Membrane action potential

Figure [1] shows the simulated hJSMC action potential trace and free intracellular calcium concentration after a simulation of 30 minutes of electrical activity (@ 6 cpm).


Simulated hJSMC action potentials after a simulation of 30 minutes of electrical activity and free intracellular calcium concentration.

Figure [2] shows the simulated hJSMC action potential trace after a simulation of 30 minutes of electrical activity (@ 7.5 cpm). Note: ICC stimulus were modified.


Simulated hJSMC action potentials after a simulation of 30 minutes of electrical activity (@ 7.5 cpm).