
Date Author Log Options Exposure
2015-02-05 rcai987 Added annotations to mears_sheppard_atwater_rojas_bertram_1997.cellml [files] [tgz] [zip]
2010-08-25 Tommy Yu xml:base fix [files] [tgz] [zip]
2010-04-16 Catherine Lloyd Fixed broken documentation. [files] [tgz] [zip] Mears, Sheppard, Atwater, Rojas, Bertram, Sherman, 1997
2010-04-14 Hanne Added images in ai and svg format, added clickable SVG to session file [files] [tgz] [zip]
2009-12-17 Catherine Lloyd Fixed RDF. [files] [tgz] [zip] Mears, Sheppard, Atwater, Rojas, Bertram, Sherman, 1997
2009-12-17 Tessa Paris Created the model using the authors original code and the CellML model by Bertram et. al. 1995. The model runs in pcenv and COR though some dimensional inconsistancies are noted. The model can produce output that matches the figures in the paper. [files] [tgz] [zip]
2009-12-17 Catherine Lloyd Added image to workspace (this is a duplicate of bertram_1995.png which has been renamed to mears_1997.png). [files] [tgz] [zip]