Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 98909b01e6b2 / dojo-presentation / js / andre / utils.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 17:11:57+12:00
update for modified HH graphs in tutorial description
Permanent Source URI:

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 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is "Andre's Reference Description Framework".
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007-2008
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  Various utilities until I work out a better module structure

/* required includes */


/* a function to create a text anchor which when clicked expands to the provided full content defined in the provided dom node.
FIXME: for now simply use a title pane dijit but could "easily" replace with a custom version of the title pane which has:
  - custom CSS
  - the title is as long as the text and expands sideways as the pane toggles
andre.utils.createAnchoredExpandingItem = function(id,anchorString,/*dom node*/content) {
  console.debug("expanding anchor text: " + anchorString);
  var container = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
  container.setAttribute("id",id + "--anchoredExpandingItemContainer");
  var tp = new andre.InlineTitlePane({title: anchorString,open: false},container)
  return tp.domNode;

andre.utils.highlightNode = function(id) {
  // summary: a function which will focus on the given node and highlight it for a brief period
  console.log("Highlight node: " + id);
  var node = dojo.byId(id);
  /* FIXME: this isn't working very well... */
  /* looks like this scrolls to the middle of the element by default? */
  //var targetCoords = dojo.coords(node,true);
  //targetCoords.y -= targetCoords.h / 2;
    node: node,
    //target: targetCoords,
    win: dojo.byId('content-pane'),
    duration: 300,
    easing: dojo.fx.easing.easeOut
    node: id,
    /*color: '#ffff99',*/ /* default = #ffff99 (light yellow) */
    duration: 500, /* default = 400 */

andre.utils.getContentItemLinkText = function(/*String*/id, /*String*/ctxId, /*String*/text) {
  // summary: common method for defining the link string for connecting to a different content item
  // id: the ID of the content item to link to
  // ctxId: the id of the context node for adding the content item to the display
  // text: the displayed body of the link
  var str = "<a href='javascript:;' onclick='displayContentItem(\"" + id + "\",\"" + ctxId + "\");'>" + text + "</a>";
  return str;

andre.utils.makeContentItemLink = function(/*String*/id, /*String*/ctxId, /*String*/text, /*Sting*/type) {
  // summary: common method for creating a link to a specific content item. Returns the created element.
  // id: the ID of the content item to link to
  // ctxId: the id of the context node for adding the content item to the display
  // text: the displayed body of the link
  // type: the type of the destination content item
  var link = dojo.doc.createElement("a");
  // the type specific icon
  link.setAttribute("onclick","displayContentItem(\"" + id + "\",\"" + ctxId + "\");");
  link.innerHTML = text;
  return link;

andre.utils.makeContentItemLinkFromItem = function(/*DataStore*/store, /*DataItem*/item, /*String*/ctxId) {
  // summary: create a content item link from the given data item
  var title = "Unknown";
  if (store.hasAttribute(item,"title")) title = store.getValue(item,"title");
  var type = "unknown";
  if (store.hasAttribute(item,"type")) type = store.getValue(item,"type");
  var id = store.getIdentity(item);
  if (type == "component") {
    // need to get the root import component
    var imports = andre.utils.getComponentImportList(store,item);
    var c = imports.pop();
    if (store.hasAttribute(c,"title")) title = store.getValue(c,"title");
  return andre.utils.makeContentItemLink(id, ctxId, title, type);

andre.utils.makeContentItemLinkFromURI = function(/*DataStore*/store, /*String*/uri, /*String*/ctxId) {
  // summary: a method create the content item link from a content item found in the data store with a matching URI value
  console.log("Making content item link from the URI: " + uri);
  var link = null;
    query: {uri: uri},
    onComplete: function(items,request) {
      // we only want the first one?
      var item = items[0];
      if (store.isItem(item)) {
        var title = "unknown";
        if (store.hasAttribute(item,"title")) title = store.getValue(item,"title");
        var type = "unknown";
        if (store.hasAttribute(item,"type")) type = store.getValue(item,"type");
        link = andre.utils.makeContentItemLink(store.getIdentity(item), ctxId, title, type);
      } else {
        console.log("Invalid item for this store?");
    onError: function(error,request) {
      console.debug("(makeContentItemLinkFromURI): The request failed: " + error);
  if (link == null) {
    link  = dojo.doc.createElement("span");
    link.innerHTML = "There was a problem";
  return link;

andre.utils.getIconClass = function(/*String*/type) {
  if ((type == "root") || (type == "task")) {
    return "taskIcon";
  } else if (type == "graph") {
    return "graphIcon";
  } else if (type == "simulation") {
    return "simulationIcon";
  } else if (type == "model") {
    return "modelIcon";
  } else if (type == "component") {
    return "componentIcon";
  } else if (type == "variable") {
    return "variableIcon";
  } else {
    return "unknownIcon";

andre.utils.getComponentImportList = function(/*DataStore*/store, /*DataItem*/component) {
  // summary: for the given component object, trace back through imports and return the list of component objects
  //console.debug("andre.utils.getComponentImportList called");
  var components = new Array(component);
  if (store.hasAttribute(component,"importedAs"))
    var importComponent = store.getValue(component,"importedAs");
    var imports = andre.utils.getComponentImportList(store,importComponent);
    dojo.forEach(imports, function(i) {
  return components;