Location: A review of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models @ 98909b01e6b2 / dojo-presentation / js / andre / ModificationData.js

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2009-07-07 17:11:57+12:00
update for modified HH graphs in tutorial description
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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is "Andre's Reference Description Framework".
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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  Define a class to handle modification metadata
dojo.declare("andre.ModificationData", null, {
  store: null,
  items: null,
  /* constructor simply saves the items and its store so that data can be fetched
     out as required */
  constructor: function(store, items) {
    this.store = store;
    this.items = items;
  /* create a dom node suitable for appending to an XHTML document */
  // FIXME: deprecated in favour of toNode() and toNodeShort()
  toDOMNode: function() {
    // make sure our items are still in the store ???
    dojo.forEach(this.items,function(item,index,items) {
      if (!this.store.isItem(item)) {
        console.debug("Modification item no longer in store?");
        return null;
    // sort items most recent -> oldest modification
    // use the id of the most recent modification
    var id = this.store.getIdentity(this.items[0]);
    // create the main element for this data
    var element = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
    element.setAttribute("id",id + "-container");
    // make the text anchor from the most recent modification
    var p = new andre.Person(this.store,this.store.getValue(this.items[0],"modifier"));
    var d = new andre.Date(this.store.getValue(this.items[0],"modified"));
    var anchorString = "Last modified: " + d.shortString() + ", " + p.shortString();
    // and assemble the full content of the modification display
    // FIXME: could maybe look at the dojo grid for this?
    var content = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
    var table = content.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("table"));
    var thead = table.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("thead"));
    var row = thead.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tr"));
    var td = row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th"));
    td.innerHTML = "Date";
    td = row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th"));
    td.innerHTML = "Modification";
    row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th")).innerHTML = "Modifier";
    var oddRow = true;
    var tbody = table.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tbody"));
    dojo.forEach(this.items,function(item,index,items) {
      p = new andre.Person(this.store,this.store.getValue(item,"modifier"));
      d = new andre.Date(this.store.getValue(item,"modified"));
      var desc = this.store.getValue(item,"modification");
      row = tbody.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tr"));
      if (oddRow) { dojo.addClass(row,"odd-row"); }
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = d.fullString();
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = desc;
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = p.fullString();
      oddRow = !oddRow;
    // and make the anchored data display
    var expItem =  andre.utils.createAnchoredExpandingItem(id,anchorString,content);
    return element;
  /* create a simple string containing a short description of this modification data */
  toStringShort: function() {
    // make sure our items are still in the store ???
    dojo.forEach(this.items,function(item,index,items) {
      if (!this.store.isItem(item)) {
        console.debug("Modification item no longer in store?");
        return "";
    // sort items most recent -> oldest modification
    var p = new andre.Person(this.store,this.store.getValue(this.items[0],"modifier"));
    var d = new andre.Date(this.store.getValue(this.items[0],"modified"));
    var anchorString = "Last modified: " + d.shortString() + ", " + p.shortString();
    return anchorString;
  /* create a single DOM node containing a short description of this modification data */
  toNodeShort: function() {
    var anchorString = this.toStringShort();
    if (anchorString != "") {
      var element = dojo.doc.createElement("span");
      // make the text anchor from the most recent modification
      element.innerHTML = anchorString;
      return element;
    } else {
      return null;
  /* create a single DOM node containing a complete display of this modification data */
  toNode: function() {
    // make sure our items are still in the store ???
    dojo.forEach(this.items,function(item,index,items) {
      if (!this.store.isItem(item)) {
        console.debug("Modification item no longer in store?");
        return null;
    // sort items most recent -> oldest modification
    // create the main element for this data
    var element = dojo.doc.createElement("div");
    // assemble the full content of the modification display
    // FIXME: could maybe look at the dojo grid for this?
    var table = element.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("table"));
    var thead = table.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("thead"));
    var row = thead.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tr"));
    var td = row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th"));
    td.innerHTML = "Date";
    td = row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th"));
    td.innerHTML = "Modification";
    row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("th")).innerHTML = "Modifier";
    var oddRow = true;
    var tbody = table.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tbody"));
    dojo.forEach(this.items,function(item,index,items) {
      var p = new andre.Person(this.store,this.store.getValue(item,"modifier"));
      var d = new andre.Date(this.store.getValue(item,"modified"));
      var desc = this.store.getValue(item,"modification");
      row = tbody.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("tr"));
      if (oddRow) dojo.addClass(row,"odd-row");
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = d.fullString();
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = desc;
      row.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement("td")).innerHTML = p.fullString();
      oddRow = !oddRow;
    return element;
  sortItems: function() {
    // sort items in the list so most recent is first and oldest last
    this.items.sort(function(a,b) {
      var aTime = this.store.getValue(a,"modified");
      var bTime = this.store.getValue(b,"modified");
      return (bTime - aTime);