Location: Steady state HMT @ 746a9569a425 / readme.rst

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2018-01-10 16:20:03+13:00
adding some initial documentation and results screenshot
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Steady state HMT

This is the steady state HMT model encoded in CellML. See `Nash 1998 <http://hdl.handle.net/2292/84>`_ for the original formulation, as well as the
original `HMT 1998 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9785944>`_ paper.

.. figure:: T-Ca.png
   :figwidth: 85%
   :alt: Screenshot illustrating the results of executing this simulation experiment in OpenCOR.
   A screenshot illustrating the results when the associated SED-ML document is loaded into OpenCOR and the simulation executed.
   This can be reproduced directly from the repository by choosing the **Launch with OpenCOR** link from the *Views Available* and 
   having a recent (the 29 November snapshot release, or newer) version of OpenCOR installed.