Model Metadata
CellML Model Authorship
- Title:
- Author:
- Xin Yue Zhu
- Organisation:
- Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland
- Authors:
- Houart, Gerald
- Dupont, Genevieve
- Albert, Goldbeter
- Title:
- Bursting, Chaos and birhythmicity Originating from Self-modulation of the Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate Signal in a Model for Intracellular Ca2+ Oscillations
- Source:
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
- Identifier:
- urn:miriam:pubmed:17883229
- Model Keywords:
- 1,4,5-triphosphate, birhythmicity, bursting, ca2+_oscillations, calcium_dynamics, chaos, cicr, inositol