/* There are a total of 0 entries in the algebraic variable array. There are a total of 16 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. There are a total of 21 entries in the constant variable array. */ /* * VOI is t in component environment (s). * CONSTANTS[0] is kM2T2_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[1] is kM2T2_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[2] is kM2T2_iso in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[3] is kM2T2_negativeiso in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[4] is kM2C1_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[5] is kM2C1_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[6] is kM2C1_cat in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[7] is kMT1T2_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[8] is kMT1T2_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[9] is kMT1T2M2pro_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[10] is kMT1T2M2pro_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[11] is kM2_act in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[12] is kMT1_shedeff in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[13] is kMT1C1_cat in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[14] is kMT1C1_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[15] is kMT1C1_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[16] is kMT1T2M2proMT1_on in component Model (second_order_rate_constant). * CONSTANTS[17] is kMT1T2M2proMT1_off in component Model (first_order_rate_constant). * STATES[0] is M2T2 in component Model (M). * STATES[1] is M2C1 in component Model (M). * STATES[2] is MT1T2 in component Model (M). * STATES[3] is MT1T2M2proMT1 in component Model (M). * STATES[4] is MT1C1 in component Model (M). * STATES[5] is M2 in component Model (M). * STATES[6] is MT1 in component Model (M). * STATES[7] is M2_p in component Model (M). * STATES[8] is T2 in component Model (M). * STATES[9] is C1_D in component Model (M). * STATES[10] is C1 in component Model (M). * STATES[11] is MT1_cat in component Model (M). * STATES[12] is MT1_t in component Model (M). * STATES[13] is MT1T2M2pro in component Model (M). * CONSTANTS[18] is qMT1 in component Model (flux). * CONSTANTS[19] is qT2 in component Model (flux). * CONSTANTS[20] is qpro in component Model (flux). * STATES[14] is MT1T2_star in component Model (um). * STATES[15] is M2T2_star in component Model (um). * RATES[5] is d/dt M2 in component Model (M). * RATES[6] is d/dt MT1 in component Model (M). * RATES[12] is d/dt MT1_t in component Model (M). * RATES[4] is d/dt MT1C1 in component Model (M). * RATES[2] is d/dt MT1T2 in component Model (M). * RATES[13] is d/dt MT1T2M2pro in component Model (M). * RATES[3] is d/dt MT1T2M2proMT1 in component Model (M). * RATES[10] is d/dt C1 in component Model (M). * RATES[9] is d/dt C1_D in component Model (M). * RATES[11] is d/dt MT1_cat in component Model (M). * RATES[8] is d/dt T2 in component Model (M). * RATES[7] is d/dt M2_p in component Model (M). * RATES[0] is d/dt M2T2 in component Model (M). * RATES[15] is d/dt M2T2_star in component Model (um). * RATES[1] is d/dt M2C1 in component Model (M). * RATES[14] is d/dt MT1T2_star in component Model (um). */ void initConsts(double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double *STATES) { CONSTANTS[0] = 5900000; CONSTANTS[1] = 6.3; CONSTANTS[2] = 33; CONSTANTS[3] = 0.00000002; CONSTANTS[4] = 2600; CONSTANTS[5] = 0.0021; CONSTANTS[6] = 0.0045; CONSTANTS[7] = 2980000; CONSTANTS[8] = 0.202; CONSTANTS[9] = 140000; CONSTANTS[10] = 0.0047; CONSTANTS[11] = 0.02; CONSTANTS[12] = 2800; CONSTANTS[13] = 0.00197; CONSTANTS[14] = 1000; CONSTANTS[15] = 1; CONSTANTS[16] = 3000; CONSTANTS[17] = 0.0009; STATES[0] = 0.0000000072; STATES[1] = 0.0000085; STATES[2] = 0.00000000139; STATES[3] = 0.00000000056; STATES[4] = 0.0000029; STATES[5] = 0; STATES[6] = 0; STATES[7] = 0; STATES[8] = 0; STATES[9] = 0; STATES[10] = 0; STATES[11] = 0; STATES[12] = 0; STATES[13] = 0; CONSTANTS[18] = 0; CONSTANTS[19] = 0; CONSTANTS[20] = 0; STATES[14] = 0; STATES[15] = 0; } void computeRates(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC) { RATES[5] = (( - CONSTANTS[0]*STATES[5]*STATES[8]+ CONSTANTS[1]*STATES[0]) - CONSTANTS[4]*STATES[5]*STATES[10])+ (CONSTANTS[5]+CONSTANTS[6])*STATES[1]+ CONSTANTS[11]*STATES[3]; RATES[6] = ((((((CONSTANTS[18] - CONSTANTS[12]*STATES[6]*STATES[6]) - CONSTANTS[7]*STATES[6]*STATES[8])+ CONSTANTS[8]*STATES[2]) - CONSTANTS[14]*STATES[6]*STATES[10])+ (CONSTANTS[15]+CONSTANTS[13])*STATES[4]) - CONSTANTS[16]*STATES[6]*STATES[13])+ CONSTANTS[17]*STATES[3]+ CONSTANTS[11]*STATES[3]; RATES[12] = CONSTANTS[12]*STATES[6]*STATES[6]; RATES[4] = CONSTANTS[14]*STATES[6]*STATES[10] - (CONSTANTS[15]+CONSTANTS[13])*STATES[4]; RATES[2] = (( CONSTANTS[7]*STATES[6]*STATES[8] - CONSTANTS[8]*STATES[2]) - CONSTANTS[9]*STATES[2]*STATES[7])+ CONSTANTS[10]*STATES[13]; RATES[13] = (( CONSTANTS[9]*STATES[2]*STATES[7] - CONSTANTS[10]*STATES[13]) - CONSTANTS[16]*STATES[6]*STATES[13])+ CONSTANTS[17]*STATES[3]; RATES[3] = ( CONSTANTS[16]*STATES[6]*STATES[13] - CONSTANTS[17]*STATES[3]) - CONSTANTS[11]*STATES[3]; RATES[10] = (( - CONSTANTS[14]*STATES[6]*STATES[10]+ CONSTANTS[15]*STATES[4]) - CONSTANTS[4]*STATES[5]*STATES[10])+ CONSTANTS[5]*STATES[1]; RATES[9] = CONSTANTS[6]*STATES[1]+ CONSTANTS[13]*STATES[4]; RATES[11] = CONSTANTS[12]*STATES[6]*STATES[6]; RATES[8] = (( - CONSTANTS[0]*STATES[5]*STATES[8]+ CONSTANTS[1]*STATES[0]+CONSTANTS[19]) - CONSTANTS[7]*STATES[6]*STATES[8])+ CONSTANTS[8]*STATES[2]; RATES[7] = (CONSTANTS[20] - CONSTANTS[9]*STATES[2]*STATES[7])+ CONSTANTS[10]*STATES[13]; RATES[0] = (( CONSTANTS[0]*STATES[5]*STATES[8] - CONSTANTS[1]*STATES[0]) - CONSTANTS[2]*STATES[0])+ CONSTANTS[3]*STATES[15]; RATES[15] = CONSTANTS[2]*STATES[0] - CONSTANTS[3]*STATES[15]; RATES[1] = CONSTANTS[4]*STATES[5]*STATES[10] - (CONSTANTS[5]+CONSTANTS[6])*STATES[1]; RATES[14] = CONSTANTS[11]*STATES[3]; } void computeVariables(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC) { }