Friel, 1995
Model Status
This is the original unchecked version of the model imported from the previous CellML model repository, 24-Jan-2006.
Model Structure
[Ca2+]i oscillations have been described in a variety of cells. They appear to be controlled by multiple mechanisms. In some excitable cells, oscillations reflect periodic depolarisation and increased Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane. In others, oscillations are dominated by Ca2+ uptake and release by internal stores.
In his 1995 mathematical model, David D. Friel has studied caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons. In this cell type, oscillations reflect both Ca2+ transport across the plasma membrane and uptake and release by internal stores. This model builds on previous work by examining the net fluxes of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane and between the cytosol and the intracellular store, and by presenting a quantitative model that addresses how these fluxes can together account for a periodic steady state.
The model defines four Ca2+ fluxes (see the figure below): two are passive leaks - one representing Ca2+ entry into the cell (JL1) and one representing Ca2+ release from the intracellular store into the cytosol (JL2). The other two Ca2+ fluxes are driven against an electrochemical gradient by pumps; JP1 represents Ca2+ extrusion from the cytosol and JP2 represents Ca2+ uptake into the intracellular store from the cytosol. This mathematical model has been translated into a CellML description which can be downloaded in various formats as described in .
The complete original paper reference is cited below:
[Ca2+]i Oscillations In Sympathetic Neurons, David D. Friel, 1995, Biophysical Journal , 68, 1752-1766. PubMed ID: 7612818
Schematic of the model indicating Ca2+ compartmentalization in the extracellular matrix, cytosol and the mitochondrial matrix and pathways for Ca2+ ion movement between the compartments. |