Generated Code

The following is matlab code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)

The raw code is available.

Model is underconstrained.
The following variables couldn't be defined:
 * i_f in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * i_Kr in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * i_Ks in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * i_bNa in component background_currents
 * i_Na in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * i_NaK in component sodium_potassium_pump_current
 * i_NaCa in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * i_to in component transient_outward_current
 * i_CaL in component L_type_calcium_current
 * i_CaT in component T_type_calcium_current
 * i_bK in component background_currents
 * i_bCl in component background_currents
 * E_Na in component reversal_potentials
 * E_Cl in component reversal_potentials
 * E_K in component reversal_potentials
 * I3 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * alpha1 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * alpha2 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * beta1 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * beta2 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * alpha1 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * alpha2 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * alpha3 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * beta1 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * beta3 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * i_Kr_Na in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * i_Kr_K in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha1 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha2 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha3 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha4 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * beta1 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * beta4 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * i_Ks_Na in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * i_Ks_K in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha1 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha2 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha3 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * beta1 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * beta3 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * alpha1 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * alpha2 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * alpha3 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * alpha4 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * beta1 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * beta4 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * x1 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * x2 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * x3 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * x4 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k41 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k34 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k23 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k21 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k32 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k43 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k12 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * k14 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * D1 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * D2 in component sodium_calcium_exchange_current
 * i_fNa in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * i_fK in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * g_f_K in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * alpha1 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * alpha2 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * alpha3 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * beta1 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * beta3 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * alpha1 in component transient_outward_current
 * alpha2 in component transient_outward_current
 * alpha3 in component transient_outward_current
 * alpha4 in component transient_outward_current
 * beta1 in component transient_outward_current
 * beta4 in component transient_outward_current
 * Kb_K in component background_currents
 * i_Ca_up in component calcium_dynamics
 * i_Ca_rel in component calcium_dynamics
 * i_Ca_tr in component calcium_dynamics
 * d/dt Em in component membrane
 * d/dt A_CaL in component L_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt I1 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt I2 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt I3 in component L_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt A_CaT in component T_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt I1 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt I2 in component T_type_calcium_current
 * d/dt A_Kr in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt I1 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt I2 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt I3 in component rapid_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt A_Ks in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt I1 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt I2 in component slow_delayed_rectifying_potassium_current
 * d/dt A_Na in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * d/dt I1 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * d/dt I2 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * d/dt I3 in component TTX_sensitive_sodium_current
 * d/dt A_f in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * d/dt I1 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * d/dt I2 in component hyperpolarisation_activated_current
 * d/dt A_to in component transient_outward_current
 * d/dt I1 in component transient_outward_current
 * d/dt I2 in component transient_outward_current
 * d/dt I3 in component transient_outward_current
 * d/dt Cai in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Caup in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Carel in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Cao in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Nai in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Nao in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Ki in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Ko in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Cli in component ion_concentrations
 * d/dt Clo in component ion_concentrations