Generated Code

The following is f77 code generated by the CellML API from this CellML file. (Back to language selection)

The raw code is available.

Model is underconstrained.
The following variables couldn't be defined:
 * CaPr in component free_protein_calcium_binding_sites
 * Pr in component free_protein_calcium_binding_sites
 * J_ch in component flux_through_the_channels
 * J_leak in component leak_flux
 * J_pump in component calcium_pump
 * Ca_ER in component ER_calcium
 * delta_psi in component potential_difference
 * a in component potential_difference
 * b in component potential_difference
 * c in component potential_difference
 * E_Ca in component calcium_reversal_potential
 * g_Ca in component flux_through_the_channels
 * k_ch in component flux_through_the_channels
 * d/dt Pr in component free_protein_calcium_binding_sites
 * d/dt Ca_cyt in component cytosolic_calcium