Ryanodine receptor knowledge page


Landing page for the ryanodine receptor (Ryr).

Its major function is to create calcium-induced calcium release (CICR): the channel mediates the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol, leading to the triggering of muscle contraction following depolarization of T-tubules in the same cell.



Fig. 1. Visualisation of the Ryr2 protein (PDB)


The following list contains the known isoforms of Ryr.

Variants within the human species
Channel name Organ Gene Structure
RYR1 Skeletal Uniprot 1 PDB 1
RYR2 Cardiac Uniprot 2 PDB 2
RYR3 Brain Uniprot 3 PDB 3

Column 'Organ' refers to the site where the isoform primarily exists.

Existing models

Link to other PMR workspaces or exposures
Title Author
BG_Ryr S Fong
Local Control Models of Cardiac Excitation-Contraction Coupling A Possible Role for Allosteric Interactions between Ryanodine Receptors* Stern et al.

Models denoted by [*] are not in bond graph form. Models denoted by [^] are part of a whole cell model.

Derived from workspace Ryanodine receptor knowledge page at changeset e48c9cc68df3.
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