Na channel knowledge page


Landing page for the voltage-gated sodium potassium channel (fastNa). Other names for this protein: NaV1.1 to 1.9

The fastNa channel is thought to be made of one type of pore-forming alpha subunit, modulated by one or more beta subunits.


Fig. 1. Schematic of sodium channel (C) action, transferring sodium ions (a) from the extracellular fluid into the cell cytosol.


Variants within the human species
Name Abbrev Gene Structure
Sodium channel protein type 1 subunit alpha SCN1A SCN1A (Uniprot) SCN1A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 2 subunit alpha SCN2A SCN2A (Uniprot) SCN2A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 3 subunit alpha SCN3A SCN3A (Uniprot) SCN3A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 4 subunit alpha SCN4A SCN4A (Uniprot) SCN4A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit alpha SCN5A SCN5A (Uniprot) SCN5A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha SCN8A SCN8A (Uniprot) SCN8A (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha SCN9A SCN9A (Uniprot) SCN9A (AlphaFold)
Sodium channel protein type 10 subunit alpha SCNAA SCNAA (Uniprot) SCNAA (PDB)
Sodium channel protein type 11 subunit alpha SCNBA SCNBA (Uniprot) SCNBA (AlphaFold)
Sodium channel subunit beta-1 SCN1B SCN1B (Uniprot) SCN1B (AlphaFold)
Sodium channel subunit beta-2 SCN2B SCN2B (Uniprot) SCN2B (PDB)
Sodium channel subunit beta-3 SCN3B SCN3B (Uniprot) SCN3B (PDB)
Sodium channel subunit beta-4 SCN4B SCN4B (Uniprot) SCN4B (PDB)

Existing models

Link to other model workspaces or exposures
Title Author
BG_fast_Na S Fong
Bond graph modelling of the cardiac action potential: Implications for drift and non-unique steady states^ M Pan et al.
A Model of the Ventricular Cardiac Action Potential - Depolarisation, Repolarisation and Their Interaction*^ C Luo and Y Rudy

Models denoted by [*] are not in bond graph form. Models denoted by [^] are part of a whole cell model.

Other annotations

Item Database
Family of Na channels, alpha subunit Alpha (Interpro)
Family of Na channels, beta subunit Beta (Interpro)
Cellular component Gene Ontology
Gene activity Gene Ontology (activity)
Derived from workspace Na channel knowledge page at changeset 5d289b0b1991.
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