Cardiovascular model with the feedback loops


This workspace illustrates how to connect multiscale models using the bond graph formalism.

The main CellML files in folder <models> are:

  • cardiovascular.cellml encodes a circulation system simplified from Gee, Michelle M., et al.(2023). The model follows the bond graph formalism.
  • neural_control.cellml encodes the neural control model described in Gee, Michelle M., et al.(2023).
  • tentusscher_noble_noble_panfilov_2004_m.cellml encodes the M cell action potential model described in Ten Tusscher et al. 2004
  • Gee_whiz.cellml connects the M cell action potential model to the circulation model via the tension model described in HMT 1998
  • the folder <CellMLV2> includes the flattened Gee_whiz model using CellML version 2 Gee_whiz_flat.cellml and its SED-ML file.
Derived from workspace Cardiovascular model with the feedback loops at changeset f340c950c7a9.
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